Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bula from Fiji!

Bula means hello and the friendly Fijians say it all the time. It's been an eventful, fun, and tiring first two days! After arriving at 4am yesterday, we freshened up and headed into the town of Nadi to explore and catch a bus to Sigatoka to see the Sand Dunes. Finding the bus station wasn't as quick and easy as we thought...especially when a local Fijian named Ben started talking to Paul and convinced us to check out his shop. Ben ended up performing a Kava ceremony for us. He was very kind...and we ended up buying souvenirs in his shop to support his village. 

Ben, our new Fijian friend welcoming us with a traditional Kava ceremony
Paul hesitates as he drinks the kava
It made my tongue tingly

After wandering around the small town of Nadi and asking about 4 people where the bus station was, we finally found the bus to Sigatoka. 

Walking around Nadi

A little over an hour later, we made it to the dunes. The hike was nice except I probably shouldn't have worn sandals to hike up hot sand dunes. Note to self, hot sand is really hard to walk on, especially steep hills of sand.

The beginning of the hike along Yataga Track (the short walk)
This is steeper than it looks
Can you see the pain on my face from running up this hot path of sand?

On a sand dune
Paul looking off into the middle distance
Produce market in Sigatoka


  1. Wow!!That's really cool. Maybe next time bring sneakers?

    ~Naomi Liu Abramowicz

    1. You're so right Naomi! Note to self was to definitely wear sneakers and bring flip flops. : )

  2. Is that Big Shirley from Whats Happening on the right of the last picture? She must be enjoying retired life!

    1. You can Shirley out of the diner but you can't take the diner out of Shirley. She was going around tasting everyone's stuff telling them what it was.


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