Browse by Country

Click on the maps below (created using to see animations of our journey to anywhere and everywhere!

Home - United States

Country #1 | Fiji

Country #2 | New Zealand

Country #3 | Australia

Country # 4 | Indonesia

We only saw a small part of Indonesia

Country #5 | Singapore

Country #6 | Malaysia

Country # 7 | Thailand

Country #8 | Myanmar (Burma)

Country #9 | Vietnam

Country #10 | Cambodia

Country #11 | Laos

Country #12 | Taiwan

As you can see, we didn't really leave the Taipei area

Country #13 | Japan

Country #14 | South Korea

Country #15 | China

Country #16 | Nepal

Country #17 | India

Country #18 | United Arab Emirates

Country #19 | Ethiopia

Country #23 | South Africa

Country #24 | Brazil

Country #25 | Argentina

Country #26 | Chile


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